Pramod Kumar Sharma

Hindi Writer and Technical Consultant

Pramod Kumar Sharma (aka PKSharma) is an accomplished writer and retired technical software project manager. PKSharma immigrated to America in 1970 with the hope to live the American Dream. In the last 50+ years, Pramod graduated with a Master of Science in Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering at The George Washington University, owned commercial and residential real estate in multiple states, and created a multi million dollar investment portfolio for his family. Pramod’s true calling has always been writing and that is where he spends most of his time today. PKSharma has helped facilitate many technical and creative projects for Final Four Productions, always yielding to a more practical and sustainable approach for continued success. Pramod has undoubtedly inspired his son and F4 Productions CEO – Sandeep to be a better leader and thinker. Together father and son have proved that hard work and perseverance always pay off in many ways.

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